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Fees & Enrollment Forms

Classes and groups are offered weekly or every other week. Fees are due monthly by the first day of the month.  Invoices for the following month will be sent out on the 25th of each month. Our schedule reflects school breaks and follows the Liberty Public Schools Calendar.  An annual Enrollment Fee of $75 is due in addition to monthly fees. 

Months of November, December, and January are shorter months with less classes and sessions due to holidays.  

Complete the Interest Form and communication with enrollment information will follow shortly.

Middle School Social Skills Classes | 1 meeting per week 
This class meets weekly.  Participants will engage in motivating activities that target their identified areas of deficit and make some great friends at the same time! Most months there are 4 classes per month.  

PRICE: $45 per class paid monthly

High School Social Skills Class | 1 meeting per week 
This class meets weekly.  Participants will engage in motivating activities that target their identified areas of deficit and make some great friends at the same time!  Most months there are 4 classes per month.  


PRICE: $45 per class paid monthly

Middle School Support Group| 2 meetings per month 
This group meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month.  Come connect with others your age in a support group led by a licensed counselor. 


PRICE: $30 per group session paid monthly
High School Support Group| 2 meetings per month 
This group meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month.  Come connect with others your age in a support group led by a licensed counselor.


PRICE: $30 per group session paid monthly
STRIVE Young Adults Classes| 2 meetings per month 
This group meets on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month.  Classes are 1.5 hours per class meeting.


PRICE: $55 per class paid monthly
Young Adults Support Group| 2 meetings per month 
This group meets on the 2nd and 4th Ttuesday of each month. Come connect with others your age in a support group led by a licensed counselor.


PRICE: $30 per group session paid monthly
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